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Matrix Paradox

The paradox, the "infinite judgment" of The Matrix is the co-dependence of the two aspects: the total artificiality (the constructed nature) of reality, and the triumphant return of the body in the sense of the ballet-like quality of fights with slow motions and defiance of the laws of ordinary physical reality.

 ___Slavoj Zizek

Paradox of Fiction

(1) We only respond emotively to things that we believe to be real,
(2) We do not believe fiction is real, yet
(3) We respond emotionally to fiction.

7. Panpsychism :
    [Latin – All is Mind]
    Recent interest in the hard problem of conscious-ness has revived interest in panpsychism. . . .
Contemporary panpsychists do not believe microphysical entities have complex mental states such as beliefs, desires, and fears

8. Complexity Theory :
    In a nutshell, complexity science invites a systemic and holistic paradigm. . . . Where information is physical and the foundation of reality.
___James Glattfelder
complexity scientist, and author of
Information - Consciousness-Reality

9. Self-Reference :
    Self-referencing occurs in physics whenever the observer is also part of the observed system. In programming, it results in feed-back loops that create hierarchical systems, as in Fractals.  Douglas Hof-stadter postulated that such loops result in the emerg-ence of consciousness from non-sentient matter.

Information as

   Post 114.  February 16, 2021

  Introduction to Enformationism

   Information as Energy, Matter, and Mind

   Since this an amateur philosophical thesis, it’s not censor-ed by academic oversight, or professionally committed to current mainstream dogmas of modern Science. So, it freely adopts some metaphysical ideas that may sound like Eastern or New Age Mysticism. For the record though, the thesis does not espouse any Magical or Psychic phenomena. However, some of its key concepts hark back to ancient pre-scientific models, that were abandoned during the 16th century Enlight-enment. One of those early worldviews is Panpsychism,7  which is updated to replace ancient “Psyche” (spirit) with modern “EnFormAction” (creative energy). This essay will also provide references to some pioneers of Information Theory, Complex-ity Theory8, and Quantum Theory, who have looked back to those early thinkers for guidance to resolving some of the most puzzling perplexities of modern Science, that have been swept under the rug rather than faced head-on. For example, sub-atomic reality appears to us as two different categories of being (discrete particles and/or continuous waves). That’s why some Physicists are deeply aware of the schizophrenic nature of their science and long to find a synthesis, or unification.

The Enformationism thesis alone will not solve all the conundrums and contradictions of modern Science. But it may point in a new direction, toward a future solution. A few bold researchers may even turn to a Holistic approach, to supple-ment the traditional Reductive methods. Also, many of those problems result from Self-Reference9, which is pertinent to the thesis. Here are some of the philosophical paradoxes that are directly addressed in the thesis & blog : a> Paradox of FreeWill ; b> The Brain/Mind Paradox ; and c> The Matrix Paradox . Below is a list of significant problems in Physics that have not yet been solved, and for which a new perspective may point the way :

1. Sorites paradox : If one removes a single grain of sand from a heap, they still have a heap. If they keep removing single grains, the heap will disappear. Can a single grain of sand make the difference between heap and non-heap? [Holism]

2. Quantum Gravity : The biggest unsolved problem in fundamental physics is how gravity and the quantum will be made to coexist within the same theory. [Scaling Problem]

3. What is matter made of?  – at the subatomic level things are simultaneously particles and waves. [Enformation]

4. Life From Non-life How did life evolve from nonliving matter?  [Phase Transitions]

5. Phase TransitionWhat happens in the gray zone between solid and liquid?  [Self-Organization]

6. The “Measurement” Problem –  the uncertainty in quantum physics arises only in the measurement  [Mind/Matter]

7. Dark Energy –  The mystery is that no one knows what dark energy is  [EnFormAction]

8. Complexityhow consciousness  seemingly  miraculously  can  arise  from mindless atoms in the brain. [Systems]

9. The “Arrow of Time –  why was the entropy so low in the past? In other words, why was the universe so ordered in the beginning,  [Evolutionary Program]

Reference –

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Retired Architect & Amateur Philosopher

“A philosophical worldview  grounded on the 20th century discovery that Information, rather than Matter, is the fundamental substance of everything in the universe.”

Paradox of